Having a missing tooth isn't appealing from an aesthetic standpoint. Having a hole in your teeth can be inconvenient or unpleasant. Aside from being unsightly, missing teeth can be hazardous to your dental hygiene. This is why a cosmetic dentistry, a dental link, or single tooth veneers, among other options, are worth replacing the tooth. Your dentist will go over the various alternatives with you. Missing teeth can have a big influence on your looks, dental health, and overall well-being. The causes of losing teeth can usually be addressed, which is why it's so vital to look after the ones you do have.
Here we have compiled a few reasons why you should not avoid the dentist, and look forward to replacing your missing teeth.
1. Missing teeth can have a negative influence on your overall health.
It can impede your potential to eat food properly based on which teeth are absent. You would be unable to chew food and this can affect your overall physical health.
If some solid meals are ignored because you can't chew them, you risk deficiency in a wide range of food classes and micronutrients, with this shift in your diet holding the potential to affect your physical health. The psychological effects of tooth loss are equally evident, with many patients getting nervous and hiding their smiles as much as necessary.
2. Missing teeth can cause the adjacent jawbone to degenerate.
Whenever a tooth is missing, the adjacent teeth begin to shift into the preceding tooth's place. This mobility not only results in irregular or misplaced teeth, but it also begins to damage the jaws, which loses solidity and volume as a result of the lack of stimuli. This is a severe issue because it causes a loss of mechanical integrity in the mouth, which weakens the tooth structure and makes brushing more complex, increasing the likelihood of dental problems.
3. The shape of your face is altered when you have missing teeth.
This bone degradation can also affect the shape of your face, making it appear aged. Your cheekbones can become closer when you lose tooth, and your mouth can tilt lower into a scowl. The bottom part of your jaw can begin to collapse or shorten, giving you an unpleasant and elderly appearance.
4. Later on, treatment gets more complicated and costly.
If the cost of repairing your broken teeth appears prohibitive at first, it's crucial to keep in mind that rehabilitation may become necessary in the future, as well as more costly and difficult as the issue progresses.
When the volume or structure of the jawbone has degenerated, it's more difficult to insert dental treatment, for instance. This does not rule out the possibility of restorative dentistry; however, if there is insufficient bone density to hold the restorative material being inserted in the area, you may need a graft. If you have many teeth that need to be replaced, you will need more prosthetics than you would have needed if you only had one.
5. There are a number of options that can help solve this problem.
There are various solutions for replacing missing teeth that are both effective and affordable. These can help the issue from progressing very far, and are honestly not very expensive either. Investing in these can be a great idea for the future.
6. TMJ problems.
TMJ is a condition that affects the jaw. Temporomandibular joints, or TMJ, are the tendons on the sides of the head that help you bite and twist your jaw. Modifications to these tissues and the systems to which they are linked can cause a great deal of severe discomfort. The absence of teeth and the inability to substitute it is one factor that might cause TMJ condition.
For these reasons, it is advisable to replace missing teeth as soon as possible. People often underestimate the impact missing teeth will have on their appearance and health, but the above changes are likely to occur, to some extent, in most people who have lost multiple teeth. Choose a time for your dental visit with the best dental experts at the World Of Dentistry.