A root canal is a procedure to remove the infected or inflamed pulp from the inside of the tooth. It's an endodontic treatment; endo means inside, and odont means tooth in Greek. Endodontic treatment is practiced: to remove the affected pulp, clean the root canal, and fill and seal the space. After the root canal treatment is done, a permanent restoration and crown are necessary to protect the root canal-treated tooth.
There are some alarming signs and symptoms which indicate that your tooth needs a root canal treatment :-
1) SEVERE PAIN: If you have a spontaneous pain that hits you like a wave, you likely have an infected tooth that needs a root canal. The pain may also be postural. It may increase when you lay down or bend down. It may be root canal pain.
2) BUMPS ON THE GUMS: If you notice any bumps on your gums, this could be a sign of infected teeth needing a root canal. These pimple-like eruptions are known as a fistula.
3) SENSITIVITY TO HOT AND COLD: Sensitivity from hot and cold that lingers on for an extended period even when you stop eating or drinking, it may be an indication that the blood vessels and nerves in your tooth are infected or damaged. The sensitivity could feel like a dull ache or a sharp pain.
4) PERSISTENT PAIN: Persistent pain in the tooth is one of the signs that you may need a root canal. The pain in your tooth might bother you all the time, or it might go away from time to time but always return. You may feel the pain deep in the bone of your tooth, or you may refer to pain in your face, jaw, or in your teeth.
5) TOOTH DISCOLORATION: An infected pulp tissue inside your tooth can cause your tooth to become discolored. Trauma to the tooth or breakdown of the internal tissue can damage the roots and give the tooth a grayish black appearance.
6) PAIN ON TOUCHING TOOTH: The ligament around the root tip of an infected tooth may become hypersensitive from the pulp dies. The waste products from the dying pulp may irritate the ligament, causing pain from the pressure of biting or touch.
7) CHIPPED OR CRACKED TOOTH: If you have chipped or cracked your tooth in an accident or due to trauma, or by chewing on something hard, bacteria can set in and lead to inflammation and infection. The nerves can become inflamed and cause pain with sensitivity, which may require a root canal treatment.
8) TOOTH MOBILITY: When your tooth is infected, it may feel loose. Acidic waste products from nerve death can soften the bone around and the gum of the infected tooth.
9) SWOLLEN GUMS: Swollen gums near the painful tooth can be a sign of an issue that requires a root canal. The swelling may come and go. It may be tender when you touch it. There may also be oozing of pus from the infection in the tooth, causing an unpleasant taste in your mouth and making your breath smell bad. So, no matter what the cause, it's a good idea to see a dentist if you are facing any kind of tooth pain or problem. Early diagnosis and treatment always lead to a better outcome.
We at the World Of Dentistry in Gurgaon have the best team of senior endodontists to give you a pain-free experience of the entire treatment. We are well equipped with all the latest techniques and equipment to provide our patients world-class dental treatment under the supervision of Dr. Rishi Rana and Dr. Charu Rana, with 15 years of clinical experience in accomplishing successful dental treatments