Tooth extraction involves a number of events where you have to take care of the extracted site for weeks. It means brushing cautiously and cleaning the site properly, avoiding strenuous activities right after the extraction, and avoiding putting excessive pressure on the site by inhaling or smoking.
After having a tooth extraction, there are several instructions that you have to follow on what you can eat and what you cannot.
How Should I Eat After an Extraction?
Your eating habits greatly affect your tooth extraction method. Some of you might think going on a proper liquid diet might do you wonders, and for the sake of that, you consume anything you wish to. But that’s not the way it is to be done. If you consume liquids after the extraction, make sure that you are not using a straw as the suction may cause the displacement of the blood clot. It eventually increases the healing period. Also, chewing food from the direction opposite to the extracted tooth can hurt less.
What Should You Eat?
During the first 24 hours, consume soft and liquid food items as they can easily be chewable. These include blended soups, mashed potatoes, bananas, yogurt, curd, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, kiwi, smoothies, shakes, juice, etc. Along with being easily consumable, they prove to be healthy too. Eating ice cream is also recommended but make sure it does not contain any chew candy pieces, crunchy, or cones. If you are consuming something hot, make sure it should be at room temperature.
What To Avoid Eating?
Don’t even look at food items containing hard and crunchy nuts, seeds, and grains. Chewing them can be painful. Also, make sure that you engage in this routine for at least a week or two because it’s a long process and takes time to recover. Consuming alcohol is also not recommended if you are going through powerful pain medications. If all of a sudden you feel pain in the clot, visit your nearby dentist.
Are you looking for tooth extraction? World of Dentistry is here to serve you with the best dental treatments at affordable prices and promised results. Till then, have cheese and say cheese with your dazzling smile.