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Root Canal Treatment


A Root Canal is a part of the tooth that is a hollow section that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells, also known as the pulp. The pulp nourishes the tooth and provides moisture to the surrounding material.

Nerves in the pulp sense hot and cold temperatures as pain. Whenever the decay, cavity, or infection reaches the pulp tissue we need to perform a root canal treatment for that particular tooth which will include cleaning the root canal, filling the root canal, and finally securing that tooth with a crown.

We at the World Of Dentistry Gurgaon is the best Dental Clinic in Gurgaon and are well versed with all the latest techniques and equipment to carry out a pain-free and root canal treatment is carried out by a highly qualified team of dental professionals. The complete procedure is painless with new anesthesia techniques, finest bore needles (needles with small diameters), sedation techniques.

Dr. Charu Rana has years of experience in successful root canal treatments and Dr. Rishi Rana is a senior prosthodontist and implantologist in the world of dentistry are a complete team of doctors with the experience of managing the behavior and apprehensions of the patients and giving them a seamless and pain-free experience of the complete procedure.
