Tooth Sensitivity After Root Canal

Tooth Sensitivity After Root Canal

Everyone experiences tooth pain once in their lifetime. It is one of the most common oral problems many people face daily. The tooth pain has the extreme potential to disrupt the daily life routine eating habits and even affect sleeping time. A root canal is a dental procedure that can treat the damaged or infected tooth pulp. The surgical treatment helps to remove the infected tooth pulp and fill the root canal with a crown. Hence, the treatment is intended to eliminate infections and protect the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. The treatment is appropriate when the patient's cavity is too big for a regular filling.

Availing of root canal treatment might not sound good for you to spend your time, but at the same time, the procedure is effective in treating tooth pain or discomfort. So, if you are experiencing discomfort in your tooth that comes out from the damage or infection, the article will help you understand root canal treatment.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure to treat damaged teeth by removing the infected tooth pulp. The treatment benefits patients who experience pain when chewing or biting food. Patients who experience tooth sensitivity to cold or hot are more prone to root canal treatment. Some symptoms that determine the need for root canal treatments are swollen tinder or darkened gums. The root canal treatment involves removing the infected or inflamed tissue within the tooth called pulp, cleaning the pulp residue inside the tooth, and then filling and resealing it. Patients undergo local anesthesia during the root canal treatment. Post-root canal treatment requires the filling of crowns to keep the teeth away from damage in the future. The placement of the crown or filling depends on the severity of the case and may or may not happen on the same day.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity After a Root Canal

Normal Sensitivity
After the root canal procedure, you may experience normal sensitivity or numbness in the treated areas. Feeling discomfort as your body heals for the first few days of root canal treatment is normal. Patients might feel soreness around the treated areas and may be more sensitive than earlier. So, in the case of mild to moderate pain, taking a pain reliever is worth it. But if the pain persists for a prolonged period, it is necessary to consult your root canal specialist.

Long-term Sensitivity
As per the resources available on the internet, endodontic treatments like root canals have a success rate of around 86% to 98%. It can’t be said that the treatment doesn’t need further treatment. There may be several reasons for multiple treatments. The most likely infection was the initial infection that was not eradicated during the treatment. It can lead to severe pain or pressure, visible swelling, pain, sensitivity, and other symptoms.


The idea of killing tooth pain with the help of root canal treatment is efficient and scientifically proven. After root canal treatment, minor sensitivity is common and may subside in a few days. However, it is essential to stick to soft foods that can help you to manage discomfort. If the pain persists longer than usual, consult the best dental care provider, like World of Dentistry, dental clinic in Gurgaon to mitigate discomfort with proper care.
