These cheerful tiny tots will look more beautiful if they are provided with a healthy smile and their teeth develop correctly. But the fear and anxiety in their young blooming minds is the core reason for the delay with the timely needed appointments and they are usually scared of the dentist. Our awesome teams at the World Of Dentistry Gurgaon have specialist training that will identify any worries and any fears in the child. We have some tips to help you and your child get ready for their dental visits. Did you know that according to the American Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry parents should take their child for their first visit to the dentist by the time they clock one and the first tooth erupts in the oral cavity. Parents can take the following steps:-
1) BEHAVIOR AND POSITIVE MOTIVATION: Once you have an appointment scheduled, start preparing your child for the visit. Children learn best when they are having fun. Tell them that the doctor will simply examine and brush their teeth with the help of water spray and talk to them about how to keep their teeth healthy show them the various relevant rhymes made on the dentist and dental visits. You can give them their favorite stuffed toy with a toy mirror to pretend the teeth examination. Let them know that the dentist will show them all of the tools and explain all the procedures for starting.
2 ) REWARDS: You can plan a treat, a trip to the park, or a toy store should they need a little extra motivation. Our team of pediatric dentists at the World Of Dentistry Gurgaon will aim to provide a fun environment with toys, stickers, TV, games, yummy flavored toothpaste so that children gain trust in the dentist and will often enjoy their visits. Tell them if they get their teeth examined and treated they will be rewarded with a prize.
3.) APPOINTMENT TIMINGS: Young children tend to do their best in the morning when they are fresh and fun.