Several food components help prevent oral cancer, and if one is already suffering from the disease, then these food components may even sometimes assist the body in fighting. These components are known as chemo-protective agents, including a group commonly referred to as antioxidants. They seem to protect the body from the effects of carcinogenic elements. For example, Vitamin C & E, possessing antioxidant properties, helps in preventing damage at the DNA level, and if it is already damaged, then helps in the repair of it. The damage to the DNA structure leads to transforming the cells from normal to malignant.
Antioxidants- Good sources of antioxidants can be readily available in our kitchens. Most fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, and they are naturally low in fat and contain high fiber.
Phytonutrients- Antioxidants that are not vitamins are also found in fruits and vegetables, which have strong oral cancer-fighting properties. One of them is Beta-Carotene, a substance that gives color to some vegetables like carrots and peppers and gets converted into Vitamin A, known to have chemo-protective effects. Beta-Carotene, when taken in the natural form, helps in improving the immune responses in the body and destroys cancer cells.
It is highly recommended to have anti-oxidants in their natural forms like fruits and vegetables and not as vitamin supplements. Studies found that premenopausal women who ate natural foods rich in Vitamin A and Carotene were at a reduced risk of Breast Cancer than those who took only the Vitamin supplements.
Other Compounds, which are found in apples, onions, tea, and red wine, known as Bio-flavonoids, are now considered to have cancer-fighting properties. Researchers also found that soy consumption to a large extent is also associated with decreased cancer rates. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating lots of beans, berries, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage and broccoli), dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed, garlic, grapes, green tea, soy, and tomatoes for their role in preventing oral cancer.
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