For the past few months, the whole world has been trickled about the weird symptoms of COVID-19. And the dental surgeons are near witnessing the oral manifestations of this viral disease. One of the new and common symptoms also includes the Covid Tongue. A research letter published in the British Journal of Dermatology stated that several covid patients experiencing bumps on their tongue, along with inflammation and swelling. Mucocutaneous symptoms appear on the areas where mucous membranes and skin meet, like your mouth. Many of the patients had symptoms in their mouth including inflammation of the bumps on the skin surface and overall redness and swelling of the tongue. it was common for the patients to also say they felt a burning sensation in their mouth, as well as loss of taste.
There are a lot of ACE receptors(enzymes of your cells), which SARS-COV-2 latch onto. From there, the virus enters your cells, multiplies, and makes you sick. There are a lot of ACE receptors in the tongue, so the virus concentrates very heavily in this region thus leading to symptoms like tongue bumps and tongue swelling. The diagnostic value of covid tongue is still unknown and it should be treated with caution. All in all the covid tongue may be a very early sign or finding. it resembles a geographic tongue which is also an inflammatory condition affecting the surface of the tongue.
According to the American Academy Of Oral Medicine, COVID TONGUE is an inflammatory disorder that usually appears on the top and sides of the tongue. The affected tongue usually has a red bald spot of varying sizes with a jagged white border around it. The affected areas on the tongue can change in shape and size, like continental drift. Moreover, in certain cases, there are painful rashes and prominent dents along the sides of the tongue with loss of structures known as papillae. These are tiny projections that present a rough surface on the tongue and are responsible for the sense of taste. A letter published in January to the British Dental Journal pointed out that certain contents of the media being asked to include the Covid tongue as a symptom, the diagnostic value of this disease is unclear. But we as dentists must also be sensitive to these changes.
World Of Dentistry, with its highly qualified team of best dentist in Gurgaon is there to assist and guide you to take care of your oral health in these pandemic times.