Does Cold Weather Affect Our Teeth?

does cold weather affect our teeth


Winter often brings chilly weather that affects not just our bodies but also our teeth. This article delves into the impact of cold weather on our oral health, specifically addressing dental sensitivity.

Understanding Dental Sensitivity

Types of Dental Sensitivity

It comprises various forms, including hypersensitivity to cold or hot foods, discomfort during brushing, and even pain from breathing in cold air.

Factors Contributing to Sensitivity

Several factors contribute to dental sensitivity, including worn enamel, exposed tooth roots, cavities, or gum disease. These conditions heighten the teeth's susceptibility to external stimuli, such as cold temperatures.

Impact of Cold Weather on Teeth

This can exacerbate existing dental issues. The sudden change in temperature can trigger discomfort or pain in sensitive teeth. When the enamel is weakened or eroded, the cold can penetrate the tooth's inner layers, stimulating nerve endings and causing discomfort.

How It Affects Teeth

Winters constrict blood vessels in the gums and teeth, which can intensify existing dental problems. Moreover, the contraction and expansion of teeth due to temperature fluctuations can lead to microfractures, contributing to sensitivity.

The Role of Temperature Sensitivity

Individuals with already sensitive teeth may find cold weather particularly troublesome. The sensitivity increases as the nerve endings in the teeth react to the cold, causing discomfort or sharp pain.

Tips for Protecting Teeth in Winters

Dental Care Practices in Cold Climates

Maintaining good oral hygiene becomes even more crucial in the winter. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, and fluoride toothpaste, and avoiding extreme temperature changes while consuming food and beverages can help minimise sensitivity.

Precautionary Measures

Covering the mouth when exposed to extremely cold air, such as wearing a scarf, can shield teeth from direct contact. Drinking room-temperature water and avoiding hot or cold foods can also reduce discomfort.

Seeking Professional Help

Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular visits to the dentist aid in identifying and addressing dental issues before they exacerbate, especially in winter when sensitivity may increase. Book your appointment now at the World of Dentistry.

Treatment Options for Sensitivity in Winters

Dental professionals can recommend desensitising toothpaste, fluoride treatments, or dental sealants to alleviate sensitivity caused by cold weather. Severe cases may require more intensive treatments, like dental bonding or root canal therapy.


Cold weather does indeed affect our teeth, particularly for those prone to dental sensitivity. However, adopting preventive measures and seeking professional guidance can significantly reduce discomfort and maintain oral health during the winter months.
