Partial dentures are important in certain cases where teeth need to be fixed into one place so that they do not move around and become
misaligned. At World of Dentistry, we handle these cases with the utmost care and guidance so that you get the best treatment possible.
How do partial dentures work?
Substitute teeth that are frequently affixed to pinkish or gum-colored silicone frames in detachable partial dentures. The dentist will
create a half denture for you based on your requirements. A partial denture might have a metal frame with fastenings that link to the
teeth, or it can have much more natural-looking attachments. In some circumstances, surgical fasteners are used to secure your fixed
partial denture to the natural teeth. Precise connections are more aesthetically pleasing than fastenings.
Veneers on natural teeth are occasionally essential to boost the fit of a detachable dental implant, and that they are typically required
with implants. Partially dentures with precise fasteners are typically more expensive than partial dentures with hooks. To learn more, get
in touch with us at World of Dentistry.
What to expect from partial dentures?
The new partial denture might feel a bit weird or cumbersome at first. This is natural, and you will quickly adapt to using it with time.
It will take some practice to insert and remove the partial denture.
● Observe your dentist's instructions to the letter. Your prosthesis should be quite easy to put in position. Never bite down on the
partial denture to push it into place. This could cause the fastenings to twist or snap.
● The dentist will provide you detailed instructions on how long you must wear the denture and if you should take it out.
● You may well be required to wear the partial denture all of the time at first. While it may be unpleasant at first, this is the fastest
approach to detect places which need to be adjusted.
● A sore spot will develop if the prosthesis applies too much stress to a particular location. The partial denture will be adjusted by the
dentist to make it more comfortable. Following making the necessary changes, the dentist will likely advise you to remove your partial
denture while heading to bed and reinsert it in the day.
● With dentures, dining can become a more satisfying activity. Start with soft meals that have been chopped into little bits. To maintain
uniform pressure on both sides of the jaw, bite on both cheeks. Items that are exceedingly sticky or firm should be avoided. Even during
adjustment time, you should avoid bubble gum.
● A partial denture could also help you speak more clearly. If you have trouble pronouncing particular words, try speech therapy.
How to Take Care of Your Dentures?
A denture cleanser can be recommended by the dentist. You can follow these instructions to keep the denture in good condition:
● It's a smart option to wash a partial denture while standing over a rolled cloth or a basin of water, just in case you spill it.
● Peroxide should not be used to wash dentures since it is too abrasive.
● Many people wash their dentures using liquid soap or mild washing solutions, which are both sensible options. Nevertheless, most home
cleansers are too harsh for washing dentures and can not be used.
● Every day, wash the denture to eliminate food residues and bacteria. This keeps the tooth from staining completely.
● Brushes with rough bristles should be avoided since they can harm the denture.
● Rinse the dentures properly to remove any food debris. Add the denture cleanser to the wet toothbrush. To stop harming the silicone or
distorting the connections, gently wipe all tooth edges.
● If a denture is not kept wet, it may lose its contour. The denture must be soaked in washing liquid or water at bedtime. The dentist can
advise you on the best way to keep the prostheses in decent form.
The prosthesis may need to be adjusted over time. The mouth develops as you get older, which might alter the fit of the denture. Your bones
and tooth grooves may retreat or decrease, leading to a denture that does not fit properly.
The dentist should fix any dentures that don't fit snugly. Dentures that aren't fitted properly can lead to sores and diseases. If the denture
comes undone, you can contact us at World of Dentistry to help fix it.