Oral health is defined by the World Health Organization in respect of general, physical, psychological, and social well-being. Our internal health symptoms can be witnessed through notable changes in teeth, gums, or tongue. However, there is also a similar type of symptom that can be seen in a case of tooth enamel defect associated with a renal disease called Nephrocalcinosis. There is an adverse effect of poor oral health on physical health. Pulp disease alone has nothing to do with poor physical function. There are other oral conditions as well that strongly affect physical health, namely malocclusion, and periodontal disease. Poor oral hygiene can be considered detrimental to dental cavities and gum disease, causing high chances of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Therefore maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a lifelong commitment for the betterment of physical health.
Oral health is the most crucial component of general health. Losing a tooth can even affect diet, where it becomes difficult to take proper nourishment. As a consequence, regular health gets worse, exacerbating existing health conditions. Moreover, the mouth is that part of the body where a direct entry of infections happens, eventually spreading to other body parts. According to research, chronic oral infections are associated with heart and lung diseases, stroke, and premature births.
The oral bacteria and the inflammation, along with a severe form of gum disease, like periodontitis, might play a major role in some diseases. Furthermore, oral health problems become more severe because certain diseases, like diabetes and HIV/AIDS, reduce the body's resistance to infection. The first component of the digestive tract is the oral cavity, which functions as a protective barrier, being delimited by the lips on the front and the oropharynx behind. The oral cavity is an essential component for speech and swallowing, digestion, and taste sensation.
The oral examination consists of a uniform inspection of the head and neck and an intraoral (within the mouth) examination where the hard and soft tissues are checked together with a complete medical and dental history. The entire mouth should be evaluated despite the patient’s chief reasons for the visit.
Visit the World Of Dentistry in Gurgaon for regular oral health checkups under the supervision of the best team of senior dental surgeons. We at the World Of Dentistry ensure to give you a painless experience for the entire treatment, with all the latest techniques and equipment.